BPW Republic Local
Current President: Patrice Beckwith
Email: republic@bpwwa.org
Area: Republic, Chelan, Spokane, and Wenatchee
Meets twice a month.
2nd Wednesday of every month is a social, speaker, and short business meeting, 5:30pm - 7:30pm at 18 North Kitchen & Bar in Republic.
4th Wednesday of every month, 12pm - 1pm at Esther's Cantina which is a business meeting.
Joining BPW Republic

Ready to Become a BPW Republic Member?
Your membership in BPW Republic gives you access to meetings, networking and training opportunities through the local chapter as well as Washington State training programs and conferences. As a BPW Member you will have access to scholarships (local, state, and national), competition skills and training for Young BPW, Legislative awareness that impacts working women and businesses, leadership training programs, and online resources at both State (bpwwa.org) and National (nfbpwc.org) levels.
Joining through a local organization gives you access to meeting and networking opportunities in your area. $25 goes to your local chapter and $60 goes to BPW Washington State. There are also reduced membership rates for students or veterans with proof of enrollment or discharge status.