Upcoming Meetings

Monthly Meeting
Campus BPW offers great programs for learning and enriching the lives of our members and community. Our members represent diverse backgrounds and life lessons who want to share and mentor others. Our programs are arranged a year in advance so you can pick what you are interested in. We support the Elizabeth Gregory Home, a day shelter and some transitional housing in the University District, that gives women a safe place with resources and basic needs.

Monthly Meeting
Eastside's major goal is to provide speakers and programs to enrich, educate, entertain, and support members personally, professionally and politically. Our meetings promote closer friendships, more direct networking opportunities, and FUN! Community service is often key to enriching life; we currently support the nonprofit Helen’s Place in Kirkland that strives to feed, clothe, and find permanent housing for homeless Eastside women. Eastside also supports the Joyce Kelly Scholarship. Won’t you join us to meet some amazingly awesome women?

Monthly Meeting
Republic BPW is a proud part of the Ferry County Community and of BPW Washington. We are a network of service minded people who believe that great things happen when dedicated minds come together. We are community and business leaders representing different professions, experiences, and perspectives with a shared desire to positively affect our community. Join us in our mission to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through mentoring, advocacy, and education.

SW Seattle
Monthly Meeting
SW Seattle's meetings bring speakers from our local and national communities to share their knowledge. We strive to support women in our community. Our main focus is to fund our scholarships for women and female high school graduates annually. We support the H Eileen Henry Scholarship offered through the BPW WA Foundation and the SW Seattle and Gerry Sorensen Scholarships which are offered through the Des Moines Dollars For Scholars Program. SW Seattle also supports Hospitality House, a local shelter for women in the Burien area. We invite you to join us at our monthly meetings.

Monthly Meeting
Virtual program meetings bring interesting speakers from our local communities and those of National BPW into our homes. We strive to support women and families via advocacy and education. We invite you to join us at our monthly virtual meetings while getting to know BPW members from across Washington State.
Upcoming Programs

Woman of the Year
Woman of the Year is usually presented as a local program during BPW’s Business Woman’s Week and usually in the month of October.

National Business Women’s Week
The National Business Women’s Week is a salute to the achievements of all working women. It is celebrated during the last full week in October every year.

Equal Pay Day
The symbolic day was first observed in 1996 by the National Committee on Pay Equity, a coalition of women’s and civil rights organizations, labor unions, professional associations...

YWCA Luncheons
Past guest speakers include Misty Copeland, Anita Hill, and Stacy Abrams. We always look forward to these educational and inspiring luncheons.
Let's Have a Conversation
Considering Joining BPW?
Curious about the empowering network and impactful opportunities at BPW? Don't wait! We're eager to connect you with like-minded women who ignite each other's potential. Simply complete our quick contact form, or directly reach out to any of our dedicated Local Presidents in your area.